Welcome to the 3d Artistry of Satira Capriccio
August 2013 to Now. Artwork in this gallery features characters (human and otherwise) primarily created using HiveWire 3D human figure (Dawn, Dusk, Baby Luna), HiveWire 3D animal, and Ken Gilliland’s Songbird ReMix bird and Nature’s Wonders animal and insect 3d models.
January 2010 to July 2013. Artwork in this gallery features characters (human and otherwise) primarily created using the DAZ 3D Generation 4 (Victoria and Michael) human figure, animal, and creature or Ken Gilliland’s Songbird ReMix bird 3d models.
July 2006 to December 2009. Artwork in this gallery features characters (human and otherwise) primarily created using the DAZ 3D Generation 3 (Victoria, Michael, Stephanie, David, Aiko, and Hiro) and Generation 4 (Victoria and Michael) human figure, animal and creature 3d models.
The Sky Clad. This gallery features nude or partially clad figures or series where some of the pieces included nude or figures.